STEP Lab Static Testing Systems
Our static material testing machines are suitable for applications in all sectors, both in quality control and research projects, offering exceptional performance with materials and products of all kinds.
We also offer a flexible machine that is not limited to static testing but goes
dynamic testing as well, offering great benefits for our customers.
Our testing machines with loads from 200 N to 280 kN, developed by our
researchers offer a wide choice of test speeds with load frames
high-quality load frames combined with intelligent drive systems.

Closed-loop force and displacement control via Test Centre controller
Maximum accelerations up to 2g
Control and acquisition loops up to 8 kHz
High-resolution 24-bit data acquisition
Possibility of installation on any type of structure and support alone or up to 8 controlled axes
Installation in different positions
Control station in a separate and independent position
Simple and flexible test management via graphical Test Centre interface
Ideal for cleanroom use
Wide variety of grips, dedicated test accessories, and load cells
Integration with extensometers and climatic chambers