Averaging Extensometers for ASTM D5656 Adhesive Lap Shear Tests – Model 4013
Designed specifically for performing tests in accordance with ASTM D5656, Standard Test Method for Thick-Adherend Metal Lap-Shear Joints for Determination of the Stress-Strain Behavior of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading. The deformation is measured on opposite sides of the test specimen and the output is an average of the two readings.
The Model 4013 extensometer meets the requirements of ASTM D5656 for measuring the strain properties of an adhesive in shear. It uses different contact point spacing compared to the extensometer shown in D5656. This makes it much easier to mount and eliminates the slippage problems associated with the design shown in D5656. The Model 4013 is available with all of Epsilon’s temperature configurations. It has a 3 mm (0.12 inches) full scale measuring range. The conical point contacts included with the extensometer are made from tungsten carbide.
The Model 4013 extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for strain gaged transducers. Most often they are connected to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics for the extensometer is typically included with the test machine controller or may often be added. In this case the extensometer is shipped with the proper connector and wiring to plug directly into the electronics. For systems lacking the required electronics, Epsilon can provide a variety of solutions, allowing the extensometer output to be connected to data acquisition boards, chart recorders or other equipment.